Welcome to Bigfoot Excavation NW
Serving Whatcom and Skagit counties
We specialize in:
Commercial and Residential excavation
Site Prep, Erosion Control, Wet and Dry Utilities, Subgrade Prep for Hardscapes, Driveways, driveway pothole repairs,
Demolition, Brush Mowing, Horse Arena and paddock Builds, Road Building, Asphalt Repairs, Rock walls, Grading , Drainage, Block walls and Topsoil Placement.
when it comes to contractors, it can be hard to know who to trust. you want a product that is built to last.
a successful transformation hinges on finding the right team.
we have 30+ Years Experience in the Industry. although we are a new company, we have your best interest,
we listen to your goals, respect your budget and help bring your vision to life.
Give Us A Call Today!
360.820.9736 or 509.393.9836

​Foundation Excavation​​​
​Foundation Excavation​​​
- We have the knowledge and experience to keep job costs down
- we have the equipment and tools to get the job done fast and efficiently
- We use laser and machine mounted receivers, This saves our customers money!
- as we dig, we keep tight tolerances on grade.
- This means less cost of materials

​​​Footing drains and Roof drains ​​​​
​​​Footing drains and Roof drains ​​​​
- All Footing drains installed are 4" PVC perforated pipe. All joints and fittings glued.
- Pipe covered in drain rock and covered with heavy duty filter fabric
- Roof drain lines tight lines are 4" PVC all joints and fittings glued
- we can also fix plugged underground drain lines and install new lines if your house doesn't have footing drains or roof drain tight lines

Sewer, water and dry utilites
Sewer, water and dry utilites
- Sewer installation 4" PVC sewer with gasketed fittings
- Sewer runs are installed with slope laser and pipe laser when required
- We also perform connections and taps to main lines
- we also install water services, gas, electrical and communication conduits and pipes.
- we also make repairs to broken water and sewer lines

Interceptor trenches, french drains and dispurtion trenches
Interceptor trenches, french drains and dispurtion trenches
- we can install a variety of stormwater dispersion trenches
- notched Grade board, splash block systems and perforated stub out connection
- Bioretention system, Cell and rain gardens
- we can do any storm water related work

​​​hardscape surface prep​​​​
​​​hardscape surface prep​​​​
- We can exc​avate and subgrade these areas for concrete and asphalt
- Aggeregate import, placement, grading and compaction
- We use dual slope lasers and have the right equipment for the job
- We can coordinate concrete and asphalt placement

​​​Rockwalls ​​​​
​​​Rockwalls ​​​​
- if you want or need a rock wall we can help!
- big or small, we can build them all!
- we also build block walls
- Call us today!

​​​driveway resurfacing​​​​
​​​driveway resurfacing​​​​
- We start by using our harley rake. This implement tills up the top 2" stone and levels all at once
- We also use this devise for repairing potholes
- Once driveway has been raked we then compact it
- often times we can reclaim your driveway gravel without having to haul more gravel into the site
- We have all types of materials for your driveway resurfacing needs such as 5/8" minus crushed rock, crushed limestone, clear chip. Rap (recycled asphalt pavement) and even recycled concrete
- we are also able to truck these materials
- Call us today!

​​​Flail mulching and highspeed flail mulching​​​​
​​​Flail mulching and highspeed flail mulching​​​​
- Is your property over grown? We can clean it up!
- Excavator mounted flail mulcher. perfect for fence lines, tall blackberry bushes, hillsides, perimeters of ponds.
- Excavator flail will mulch trees up to 3".
- The hi-flow mulcher is operated by a track loader. it is perfect for thick brush and flatter areas of land like fields
- our track loader also is a low LGP machine (low ground pressure). so we can work in those sensitive or wet areas without harsh damage to vegetated surfaces.
- We can also take care of stormwater detention pond maintenance and cleaning
- Call us today!

​​​Stump grinding and brush grinding​​​​
​​​Stump grinding and brush grinding​​​​
- We offer stump grinding service. We can grind out those stumps in a hurry with our loader mounted stump grinder
- We can also dig out stumps
- Reasons you may want to grind stumps instead of digging them out
- risk of damage to underground utilities such as water lines, gas lines, conduits and wires.
- restoration to the area stump was removed from
- Brush grinding in our tub grinder is coming soon!
- We will be able to grind and process brush, branches and smaller stumps into a pile of mulch.
- Mulch can be left onsite or hauled off.
- we are so excited to introduce this recycling service to our list of services we provide.
- Call us today!

​​​riding arenas, paddocks and arena renovation​ ​​​
​​​riding arenas, paddocks and arena renovation​ ​​​
- We build customized riding arenas and paddocks that meet riders and horses needs.
- We are skilled in water management and are cescl trained (certified erosion & sediment control lead) we understand soil erosion and water runoff. we make sure all the best practices are put into place.
- We have a deep understanding of geo textiles, aggerate foundation base and surface materials for a wide range of conditions and riding styles.
- through engineering of our own and our own custom equipment we can provide a superior level of service to our clients.
- we can also bring your riding arena back to life by correcting issues to enhance performance, drainage and footing. we offer services from base repair and surface replacement, to a complete reconstruction if needed.
- Call us today!

​​​dozer work and harley raking ​​​​
​​​dozer work and harley raking ​​​​
- We offer dozer work with our ATCTL (all terrain compact track loader)
- this machine is perfect for tight quarters
- we also offer harley rake service. this service produces a seed bed free of large rocks and debris
- Call us today!

​​​Dump trucking​​​​
​​​Dump trucking​​​​
- We offer dump trucking
- we have accounts with all the aggregate and topsoil suppliers
- We offer hourly rates and per load rates
- we truck 4 axle solo or truck and pup
- hi lift gate dump body
- Call us today!

​​​vactor service and hydro excavation​​​​
​​​vactor service and hydro excavation​​​​
- We can clean and maintain your parking lot catch basins, control structure, filter vaults and trench drains
- 500 gallon debris tank, 4000psi pressure washer w/ 225 gallon on board water tank
- we also perform hydro excavation services
- Utility potholes, waterline breaks, irrigation lines, residential tight line repair, etc
- Call us today!
Here’s what we’ve been working on
Here’s what we’ve been working on

Bigfoot Excavation Northwest llc
Bigfoot Excavation Northwest llc
Fast and free estimates
Give us a call today!
360.820.9736 or 509.393.9836
Fast and free estimates
Give us a call today!
360.820.9736 or 509.393.9836